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Team Documents:

Team Meeting Agenda May 2024



Athlete Contact Information Form

ABCs of Mountain Bikes, Riding and Racing

Heads Up Concussion Fact Sheet - Parent & Athlete

Colorado League State Championship Criteria 

General and Sports Nutrition

Carvers Bicycle Labor Service Menu 

My Race Plan and Sample Race Plan

Colorado High School Cycling League Website:

Browse this site for information about the organization, board members, events, rules, race dates, race results, sponsors, coaches resources, media exposure, volunteer opportunities and shop.


Our Sponsors' Websites:

Our team has received such generous support from these local businesses year after year.  They have given us much needed funds to keep the team spinning along and to keep costs to our families minimal.  If you can, please patronize these businesses and be sure to tell them how much we adore them.  The following list demonstrates the costs associated with running our team.

*team fee to belong to the Colorado High School Cycling League each year

*team tents, weights and table

*team race racks

*team race supplies

*team first aid supplies

*team walkie talkies

*team business expenses

*team photos

*team fees to the Colorado Secretary of State

*team application fee to the IRS for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status

*coach League fees and background checks

*coach education

*coach CPR and WFA training

*coach mileage and lodging reimbursements

*coach Tiger tees, hoodies, shorts and socks 

Thank you Andrew, Andy, Dak, Eric, Jake, James, Jason, Jonna, Kim, Kirk, Laurie, Matt, Megan, Mike, Nathan, Richard, Rob, Spencer, Stephany and Tracey for your dedication since 2011.

Thank you Eric for believing in us from the beginning.  We treasure your financial support and yearly end-of-season pizza parties.  YUM!

Thank you Brad for your donations and support of our team.  We look forward to a long partnership with you.

Thank you Thad for your unwavering support through funds, service and parts discounts and educational shop nights.  

Thank you Ken for your continuing generous monetary donations and Giampietro Pizza donations for our shop nights.  Please visit Ken's other restaurants as well - Sancho and The Briar Rose.

We sincerely appreciate the generosity of these other businesses that contributed to the purchase of our 2022 TRAILER :

Centura Health

Cornerstone Real Estate

Gravity Haus

Moving Mountains

Summit Realtors

Thank you also to Tom at Showtime Sign & Shirt Co.

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